Creativity In Color: Fall Edition

Creativity In Color
Fall Edition
A recap of our creative friends who created meaningful color stories
to celebrate our fall color palette.
From rich browns to gorgeous greens,
these colors come alive, transcending time and evoking emotion.
A recap of our creative friends who created
meaningful color stories to celebrate our fall color
palette. From rich browns to gorgeous greens,
these colors come alive, transcending time
and evoking emotion.
Color is at the heart
of my work. I think and feel in
colors. Color reflects the season
of life I’m in, as it represents
the mood and ideas behind
my work.

Color is at the heart of my work. I think and feel in colors. Color reflects the season of life I’m in, as it represents the mood and ideas behind my work.
Green reminds me about our
connection to the earth and
grounding, feeling rooted.
Rootedness is an important
metaphor for me, as an Aussie
living abroad. Green connects
me. Green feels old and yet it
feels timeless.

Green reminds me about our connection to the earth and grounding, feeling rooted. Rootedness is an important metaphor for me, as an Aussie living abroad. Green connects me. Green feels old and yet it feels timeless.
Black & White
Colors make me happy and I
feel playful and free with them.
The colors I use for my work
normally depend on which
mood I’m in when creating the
painting or what I’m inspired
by at the moment.

Black & White
Colors make me happy and I feel playful and free with them. The colors I use for my work normally depend on which mood I’m in when creating the painting or what I’m inspired by at the moment.
I have a deep relationship
with my surroundings,
often meditating on the
pulse of the earth and
movements all around us.

I have a deep relationship with my surroundings, often meditating on the pulse of the earth and movements all around us.
Color evokes such strong
emotions for me. It is a part
of every story I tell, every
history I remember, every
quilt or piece of clay that
comes to my hands. To me,
red is home.

Color evokes such strong emotions for me. It is a part of every story I tell, every history I remember, every quilt or piece of clay that comes to my hands. To me, red is home.